Reconnecting to your body

Reconnecting with your body after experiencing sexual trauma is a deeply personal and often challenging journey. It’s important to take it at your own pace and be gentle with yourself. Journaling can be a powerful tool to help you navigate this process.

Here are some prompts designed to guide you in reconnecting with your body and reclaiming your sense of self.

Prompt 1: Where Do You Feel Safe?

Begin by identifying places or moments where you feel safe and comfortable in your body. Describe these safe spaces in detail. What about them makes you feel secure? How do these environments affect your physical and emotional state?

Prompt 2: Body Scan

Take a few moments to do a body scan. Start from the top of your head and slowly move down to your toes. As you do this, write about what sensations you notice in each part of your body. Are there areas that feel tense or relaxed? Are there places that feel numb or hypersensitive? This exercise can help you tune into your body’s current state.

Prompt 3: Movement and Emotion

Reflect on how different types of movement affect your emotions. Write about activities that make you feel good in your body—whether it’s dancing, walking, yoga, or simply stretching. How do these movements influence your mood and your sense of connection to your body?

Prompt 4: Positive Touch

Think about the ways you can experience positive, non-sexual touch. This could be something as simple as hugging a friend, petting an animal, or wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket. Write about how these experiences make you feel. What kind of touch feels comforting and reassuring to you?

Prompt 5: Your Body’s Story

Your body has been through a lot, and it has a story to tell. Write a letter to your body, acknowledging what it has experienced and expressing gratitude for its strength and resilience. What would you like to say to your body? How can you show it appreciation and care?

Prompt 6: Reclaiming Joy

Think about activities that bring you joy and make you feel alive. Write about times when you’ve felt happy and free in your body. What were you doing? How did it feel? How can you incorporate more of these joyful experiences into your life?

Prompt 7: Setting Boundaries

Reflect on the importance of setting boundaries to protect your physical and emotional well-being. Write about what boundaries you need to feel safe and respected in your body. How can you communicate these boundaries to others? How can you honor them yourself?

Prompt 8: Future Self

Imagine yourself in the future, feeling fully connected and at peace in your body. Describe what this looks like and how it feels. What steps can you take now to move towards this vision of your future self? How can you support your healing journey along the way?

Reconnecting with your body after sexual trauma is a process that requires time, patience, and compassion. Journaling can provide a safe space for you to explore your feelings and experiences.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey.


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